Checking backend...
How to use the generator 1. Type your bad code
2. Click the plus
3. Refactor it in the box that appears below
4. Repeat 2 and 3

Each iteration of your code should work and run the same as the last iteration. Each iteration should have the same output as the last. This gives the reader tautologies, basically, equivalencies in logic. This helps the reader learn faster by building off of what they already know.

When you're done, you can click preview to view it in the generator so you can make more changes before you submit.
Submitting redirects you to the page where you'll have a permalink.

Only share original code, all example code shared will fall under the MIT license (including the examples content in our lessons). No use teaching someone something if they can't use it. You shouldn't be posting anything here worth keeping to yourself, just share fundamental concepts and simple programs.

<-- Also check out refactoring games